Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Controversy

I don't think Halloween costumes should be banned just because of one person. I think it is wrong to wear that kind of costume because it could offend some people. I still don't think they should ban everybody from wearing their costumes. Halloween is a holiday where you can have fun and dress up as anything you'd like to be. It's not like you are going to be that same thing forever. It is just a one time thing; therefore it should not be made a big deal. I do think he should be suspended for 10 days, but not punishing everybody else for something they didn't do.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Invisibility Cloak

First of all there are many places I would go if I was invisible. I would go sit with the president, not go to school, and probably just stay home all day and rest! Some advantages are you can eavesdrop in people's conversations or listen to some of their gossips. Another advantage would be that people could talk about you and they would think that you weren't listening, but you really are there! That would be pretty funny! Some of the disadvantage would be that you can't be loved if you're not there! Overall, I think it would be pretty neat to be invisible for just a couple of days.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I have had several memories, good and bad. I'm going to tell you about a bad one which has to do with my little cousin passing away when she was going to turn 3. I will never forget her because the day before she died, we had just been together the whole day at one of my cousin's party what we call a "quinceaƱera". She passed away by getting run-over by a truck at the park. It is an unforgettable day of my life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No more bonfires...

To me, not having bonfires really don't bother me as much as it does to other people. Yea that has been the tradition for so long and it does make me kind of mad how I have always been looking forward to that my Senior Year!!! I have to say it was a fun way for the community to get together and get all PUMPED UP and EXCITED for the game!!! This year, obviously, we're having a Homecoming parade which doesn't sound too bad and maybe it will turn out to be the next tradition?!? Anybody can be part of it! I think it will be a good way to get the community together and it pretty much just depends on if YOU make it fun! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I wish...

"I wish there were a law that said abortion is illegal. This would be a good law because it's not the baby's fault that they are not going to be born. It is like making the baby suffer. The mom should not be able to abort the baby because there's not an exception why the baby can't be born. Even if the mom is young it would be nice of she can just have the baby!"